NIFD Global Chennai


Our Global Showcase

“Experience the Worldwide Influence of NIFD Global’s Students on Prestigious Global Platform.”


Step into the spotlight of style and make your mark on the runway of Fashion Weeks’ finest.

  • London Fashion Week
  • Dubai Fashion Week
  • Lakmé  Fashion Week
  • Femina Miss India


Fashion Week

As pioneers, NIFD Global unveils the creations of its student designers on illustrious global stages, including London Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, Dubai Fashion Week, and Lakmé Fashion Week x FDCI seamlessly bridging the gap between traditional Indian craftsmanship and a forward-looking design vision.

A person with smooth skin and neatly groomed eyebrows touches their face gently with both hands, eyes closed, and lips slightly smiling.

India’s Premier & Largest Network of Design Education With a Dynamic Global Legacy of 29 Years Since 1995


© 2023 NIFD Global Chennai

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